My body fat ranges from 17 to 23% is that good ???

my body fat according to my Tanita scale ranges from 17% to 23% at it's highest, and my weight flutuates from 110 to 115 pounds, I am almost 22 months post-op from my wls and I am way below my doctor's goal, my question is this I do weight training 5 days a week plus crunches and pelvic tilts and twisting exercises, my weight seems to stay more around 115 pounds since I started my weight training, is this because Muscle weighs more??? I would rather stay around 108 to 110 pounds, if I stopped soing weight training and just stuck with the other exercises I mentioned, will this help my weigh go back down to where I want it???    — bikerchic (posted on December 21, 2003)

December 21, 2003
Here's some info I found online: The American Council on Exercise provides the following ranges for body-fat percentage: For Women Essential fat - this is the minimu you should have 10-12% Athletes 14-20% Fitness 21-24% Acceptable 25-31% Obese 32% plus
   — Barbara C.

December 21, 2003
Who cares what the scale says, as long as you are healthy and can still fit in your current pant size! Muscle is a GOOD weight gain. Muscle is metabolically active, meaning just by sitting there it burns more calories than fat tissue. It is more healthy to weigh 115 if most of it is muscle mass, than to weigh 110 with more of it being fat mass! Don't worry about "getting bulky", women do not have the hormones necessary to get ripped. Keep up with the weight lifting!
   — Ali M

December 21, 2003
Did you not get a book with your scales?It shows the guidelines on page 6.
   — stephanie S.

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