Could having a surgical procedure 8 mo p.o cause plateaus?

Hi all I am now 9 months post op and doing Great,down 100#, and enjoying the ride! But last month I had a breast lumpectomy,(general anithesia) and I haven't lost a pound since, all foods and activities are still the same as before this surgery. Could the surgery cause a plateau, and now my hair is starting to fall out again. Thanks in advance, P.S and to all the ladies please remember to have those yearly Mamograms.    — wizz46 (posted on January 14, 2004)

January 14, 2004
Anything can cause a plateau. The latest round of anesthesia could be casuing the hair loss this time around. Have you been on steroid based meds? My sister was on steroids and cancer meds after cancer surgery and it has been known to cause fluid retention. It could be that it is just time for you to plateau and your body needs rest from losing weight and surgery. I am 10 mos and recently got off a 6 week plateau. Hang in there!!! God Bless, Maggie B.
   — M B.

January 14, 2004
At six months post op I had a biopsy, then re-excision, followed by 30 radiation treatments. The surgery didn’t effect my weight loss, but I did start losing my hair again. I’m sure it was from the anesthesia. Also, I stopped losing weight at nine months post op. I'm going back to just doing the protein, because I have gained five pounds over the holidays. Open RNY Micropouch – 12/12/02 – 213/135/125.
   — Jazzy

January 14, 2004

   — Autumn

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