Can I take Viouxx for joint pain after open RNY surgery 5-11-04?

   — Sharon P. (posted on August 17, 2004)

August 17, 2004
I was changed to Bextra and I have to take 2 a day. I take one in the morning and 1 at night. I had lap. RNY 09/03/003. I worry sometimes but my surgeon says sometimes they use it for pain. I have arthitis very bad and it doesn't seem to be helped by weight loss. Well I should not say that because I don't know how bad it would be.I would like to tell every body to have the surgery before they develop weight related problems.I am having hand surgery Friday to remove 2 finger joints.I have lost 102 lb.I am 63 and because of all meds I am on and the unability to exercise it is really getting slow to lose. Need your prayers and I will do so for you.
   — Frances N.

August 17, 2004
My surgeon took me off the Vioxx a month before surgery and said I was to NEVER take it again. It is hard on the pouch and isn't good for WLS patients. We are also not allowed to take ibruprofen since it is an anti-inflammatory. You should really talk to your surgeon about the VIOXX before resuming the medication. Just wanted to put my surgeons 2 cents in. Be careful with any and all meds that may interfere with your new pouch.
   — Suzann G.

August 17, 2004
My surgeon took me off Vioxx 2 weeks prior to surgery and told me I was never allowed to take it again. I am not allowed to take anything that has aspirin it or has aspirin qualities, such as ibuprofen meds like Aleve or Motrin. I had been taking Vioxx for 5 years and it was pretty painful for me to go off it. I still have pain and am currently at 7 1/2 months post op. I have lost 101.5 pounds to date. I have osteoporosis, a herniated disc, and a non-healing fracture (the second one) of the right hip. I know you're in pain so you should check with your surgeon to see if there are meds you can take that won't be dangerous to you. Good luck and God bless.
   — Katherine F.

August 18, 2004
Please call your surgeon's office and ask them. Although you may hear many say you can never, ever take aspirin or NSAIDs ever again, my surgeon is a bit different. He is the head of endoscopic and laparoscopic surgery at a major teaching institution, so when he gave me the okay to take Vioxx a few days each month, I felt okay with it. I was even on baby aspirin for three weeks after surgery to help prevent blood clots, and had no adverse effects.
   — koogy

August 18, 2004
Hi Sharon, I am 14 months P.O. and I have been taking Vioxx since I was one month out . . .1 25 mg. tablet every day no problems . . . I couldn't live without it! Godd luck . . . Michele RNY 6-6-03 -113
   — Michele D.

August 18, 2004
My surgeon also took me of of my Vioxx before surgery and I have never been able to take it again since it can cause internal bleeding in your new pouch. When I first started taking it for my idiopathic peripheal neuropathy it was the answer to my prayers as this disease is very painful. Basically it means the nerves in my arms and legs are dying and no one knows why. With the weight loss is has helped the pain but I am always on a level 5 as far as pain goes. Check with your surgeon on the VIoxx some views of taking this is varied as you can see from the postings. Ramona
   — Ramona E.

August 20, 2004
I have been back on Toradol since about6 weeks post op without problems. I am now 14 mo. post op. I have a micro pouch and have found it doesn't seem to be as crucial to take it with food like I did pre op. However, I still take it with food
   — Carol G.

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