Has anyone had PS and then gotten pregnant within 1 month afterward?

Hello all, I'm 2 years out as of Aug 19th and I have lost over 140lbs which I am very happy about. I had a panni removal on June 8th and I became pregnant as of July 4th. Has anyone else ever done that? Is your baby healthy and what was the outcome? My PS surgeon says everything will be fine since my tummy won't grow for about 4 months and i should be healed by then. What do you think?    — Janine O. (posted on August 18, 2004)

August 18, 2004
I think its amazing that you got pregnant! LOL! I wont let my husband in the same room with me yet and Im 4 weeks post op PS TT/hernia repair. Not a chance! Good luck!
   — donnalawbabe

August 19, 2004
Ditto. I am 3 days post-op and can't imagine ever letting my husband near me except to help me bathe. I would think that the result of the PS might be compromised but that other than that no difference than any other post WLS patient. Have your 2 doctors consult.
   — Fixnmyself

August 19, 2004
Janine, Just relax, your skin has plenty of time to heal. I had a partial hysterectomy when i was 10 weeks pregnant. My biggest fear was as I got bigger, would my skin break open. I was cut from my belly buttton all the way down to my pubis. I am happy to say my skin bounce right back and I had no problems from that surgery. You`ll be fine.
   — Laurie B.

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