Does anyone know of a hospital or Doctor in indiana or surrounding states

that does split billing. I need to have my gallbladder out and My insurance will not pay for Rny. I was wondering if anyone knew of a doctor that would do this for me or a hospital that takes payments in Indiana or Surrounding areas. Any information would be helpfull. Thanks    — iamhappy200 (posted on October 20, 2004)

October 20, 2004
i live in indianapolis, i know that whishard is a state hospital. so you may want to check with them.
   — kim88

October 20, 2004
In Michigan the Bariatric Treatment Centers, Bariatric Specialists Of West Michigan, 3290 North Wellness Drive, Suite 150, Holland, Michigan 49424 Phone (616)994-6677. Try them they do payment plans
   — coco_girl

October 22, 2004
Check bariatric surgeons in your area. Most of them started as general surgeons and would do both procedures at the same time.In Indianapolis both Wishard and St Vincent programs have worked out payment plans for friends of mine.
   — dianne E.

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