eat 3 times a day or 6?

I'm 2weeks before surgery, I'm having RYN, distal. After surgery my doctor told me to eat 3 times a day. I have read that others are told to eat 6 even 8 times a day. Why such a big difference. I would think 6 times would be easier then just 3 times a day.    — [Anonymous] (posted on August 29, 1999)

August 29, 1999
It so much depends on your doctor & how he thinks. If he thinks of our obesity as a mental illness, he's going to give you an entirely different view of nutritional after care than a doctor who recognizes it as a physical problem. Some doctors think you should try to eat as "normally" as possible, but then, that depends on his particular version of normal! I'm a distal and my instructions were 5-6 mini-meals per day. Our doctor perceives the problem as physical.
   — vitalady

August 29, 1999
There are variations on eating patterns after wls, you will see this surgeon to surgeon, my best advice is to follow the guidelines set to you by your doctor and/or nutritionist. They have set these guidelines according to the specific procedure you will be having done. If you have any other questions feel free to contact me.
   — Jennifer D.

August 29, 1999
I have read that the best results are obtained in people who walk int he morning regularly and eat 3 meals a day with two small snacks, in mid afternoon and before sleep. You won't be doing this immediately postop, it takes about a month to stabilize your diet. Don't obsess about it, the main thing at first is to walk, no smoking, pureed foods eaten slowly.
   — Bruce B.

August 29, 1999
I had the distal and I eat four times a day. I am not hungry and I am very satisfied. If I try and eat more than that I feel very uncomfortable. I also sip on water all day.
   — Barb S.

August 30, 1999
i was told to eat 6 meals a day and to try and push the protein first then worry about the rest.. no to force anything just to take small bites and chew well well am six months post op and 100lbs down... cheryl
   — cheryl C.

August 30, 1999
You need to follow YOUR doctors instructions ... everyone is different, and just because one person may be able to...or may need to eat 6 small meals vs 3 meals, doesn't mean that's going to work for you and your individual needs. Trust me ... if you follow your doctor and dietician instructions, you'll do well!! We can offer suggestions ... but we're not doctors and don't know the in's and out's of each individual's medical history. Please do what your doc suggests. Best wishes!!!
   — Sherrie G.

August 30, 1999
I eat five small meals a day. I don't know how you wouldn't be hungry on just three meals a day since for me a meal consists of something like a 4 oz cottage cheese or a 1/2 a yogurt.
   — dboat

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