Has anyone had high blood cholesterol which improved after surgery?

This question may be reposted frequently to add more data to the <a href=benefits.phtml>Benefits of Surgery</a> page.    — ericklein (posted on March 2, 2000)

March 2, 2000
my pre-surgery blood tests measured my cholesterol at 238. i had a distal gastric bypass w/duodenal switch on 10/22/99, and had blood work done 6 weeks later, which showed my new cholesterol level to be 118...below low normal!
   — mary F.

March 2, 2000
I recently had my cholesterol level check. It was down to 135 from 185. I never had real high but the levels of good and choleserol were excellent too the doctor said
   — snicklefritz

March 2, 2000
Yes! Before surgery, my fasting cholesterol was 249. Just three months after my RnY surgery, it was down to 167. Amazing!
   — Lynn K.

March 16, 2000
At my five month check-up my cholesterol had dropped from an all time high of 304 down to 174! I have never been under 200! Believe it or not eggs are a staple in my diet..easy to digest!!!!
   — Robin H.

February 18, 2001
I actually just got my results of my cholesterol back from my doctor who told me that having the surgery was the best thing I could have ever done. I was taking Lipitor to lower my cholesterol level for the past 3 years and although it helped consiserably to lower the level, having the surgery really did the most to lower it the fastest. When I first started taking Lipitor my cholesterol level was 465, triglycerides were over 1500, my LDL (bad cholesterol) was over 200 and because my LDL was so high they couldn't even measure what my HDL (Good cholesterol) was. As of 2/13/01 my Cholesterol is 165 (normal range is 125-199), triglycerides are 292 (normal range is 0-250), my LDL is 72 (normal range is 66-129) and my HDL that couldn't be measured before is now 35 (normal range is 36-80). I was so happy I had to hug my doctor! I'm down to 211 lbs. (started at 256 day of surgery). I can honestly say that having this surgery has changed my life! Good luck to you and hope to hear about your future success!
   — Andrea H.

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