Normal Labs?

What do they mean by normal. Is there any consideration for the fact that I am still on the plus side. Should our levels be higher or are we being compared to the wee people    — snicklefritz (posted on September 14, 2000)

September 14, 2000
Jack: good point I always wondered that, as well as the amount of protein and/or other vitamins and nutrients most are recommend based on an average sized person. Makes you think huh.. For now all we can really go by is the posted high/low values on every LAB result.
   — Victoria B.

September 14, 2000
We don't analzyze our own labs. But we are an extra set of eyes on them. Get your pre-op labs and every one in between. Your doc's office is already scanning for those items that are "out of range". You lay your labs side by side and compare them. So, let's say the range for protein is 6.0 to 8.0. Your pre-op was 7.5. Your first labs at 3 months were 7.2 and now you're at 6.8. You're not "in the toilet" yet, but you are drifting down, which is a clue that you are not getting enough and continued, you will eventually hit deficiency. Your wt today has nothing to do with your labs, by the way. You can be in severe malnutrition at 350# without protein, so don't even THINK that lots on board means healthy!
   — vitalady

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