Can you OD on vitamins, protein, etc.....

I have gotten so much information on this website (very helpful information -- don't know what I would do with out all of you) but I've now got a cabinet full of different types of vitamins, zinc, b-12, iron etc. Can a person take too much. My surgery is Oct. 26. Thanks - Love Yall    — L G. (posted on September 15, 2000)

September 15, 2000
Yes, you CAN OD on vites, but probably not protein. You can become toxic in some levels, yes. We don't need megadoses of everything, only certain elements. Dont' take 12 multi-vites to try to get enough iron and calcium, for example. Take the correct ones by the most absorbable method and you won't OD in the elements you do absorb from food. Did I read your question right?
   — vitalady

September 15, 2000
Yes, I agree with Michelle. You can overdo some vitamins . If they are fat soluable , they stay in your body , while the water soluable ones your body just flushes what it doesnt need. Check with your pharmacist or doctor to find out which ones are which. I personally take a multi-vitamin and a Viactiv calcium chew every day.
   — Heather T.

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