Has anyone out there had WLS that also has Graves Disease?

I have Graves Disease,and am hoping to have WLS.I would like to hear from others that have had the WLS that also have Graves.I would like any info that you are willing to share,good and bad :)you can e-mail me direct if you would like at [email protected] I love this site and want to thank all of you for sharing your time and story's and ???? Blessings Wendy    — Wendy M. (posted on July 4, 2001)

July 5, 2001
I have a good friend who has graves and is scheduled for surgery on the 17th of July. She is using the same surgeon I did, and he has told her she should not have problems or complications due to the graves. E-mail questions to me and I'll have her e-mail you back. [email protected] Good LUck.
   — angela H.

July 5, 2001
I have Graves Disease and had my surgery 2/20/01. I have not been on any medication for Graves for 3 years. There were no problems for me and I am down around 80 pounds. YEA!
   — Gail A.

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