I think I'm getting a in four days....HELP!!!!

My surgery is Tuesday, July 17th. Just yesterday I started feeling like I might be getting a cold -- little sore throat and stuffy nose. I have been taking 1000 mg of vitamin C daily plus 2 bugs bunny chewables plus my protein supplement. I'm doing everything right...and now this. There's no way my surgery can get rescheduled (I'm having it in San Diego - moving to Kansas - work stuff, etc.) PLEASE, PLEASE what can I do???    — blee01 (posted on July 12, 2001)

July 11, 2001
First of all, if the multivitamin has vitamin E, STOP TAKING IT NOW. Vitamin E interferes with anesthesia. You should be ok if you stop taking it now (ask your doctor -- they should've told you to stop taking supplements and herbal stuff). Now, Vitamin C should be ok. You should be ok as long as you're not coughing up phlegm. Stay away from aspirin because it causes blood to thin and could cause a lot of unnecessary bleeding during surgery. Ask your pharmacist what is safe to take if you're having surgery in a couple days. Revert to grandma's old remedies, plenty of fluids (over do it to wash out your system), lots of vaporub, etc. You'll be fine. Good luck!
   — Kimberly L.

July 12, 2001
I swear by my remedy to zap a sore throat---gargle as often as possible with warm salt water. It truly works, and be sure to keep those liquids going, and perhaps steam your head to keep it from stuffing up. The key to keeping a cold from becoming an infection is to keep the gunk thin and moving! Best of luck!
   — Susan S.

July 12, 2001
Try Cold-Eze. They supposedly lessen the severity and length of colds. If you do have a cold, be sure to let your surgeon know. I realize that you are moving, but don't put yourself at risk of complications. Your surgeon will be able to tell you if you should proceed with surgery if you have a cold.
   — Gina E.

July 12, 2001
I have a remedy that my grandfather taught me. But if you are an alcoholic or just don't drink don't use this remedy. Take 2 shots of jack daniels whiskey, put vicks vaporub on your chest wrap yourself in blankets and go to bed. The sweating helps to break up the cold and the vaporub helps clear the congestion. I works for me. I had a cold 1 week before my surgery and didn't have one when I had my surgery.
   — [Anonymous]

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