can weight loss be anticlimactic for anyone?

Has anyone here had trouble with post op depression? Meaning, its awesome to lose weight, but then you realize it doesnt make all of life's problems go away? Has any women here had the courage and self esteem to pursue divorce after losing weight? Thaknks for listening. Lisa    — Lisa G. (posted on August 21, 2001)

August 21, 2001
I think quite a few people go through depression post op.. this isn't a fix all and we all have to find a way to deal w/ what got us to where we were in the first place. We lose a good friend in food.. and its a huge loss. With great weight loss I've heard quite a few people become single again.. some get new jobs.. their whole life changes. I sure hope things are ok with you.. and that you are doing well.. seriously. If you have doubts and need help seek counseling.. it can be a great thing to get you through this.
   — Dawn R.

August 21, 2001
You might want to check out a new Yahoo group--OSSG-Marriage ([email protected]).
   — Kay B.

August 24, 2001
I had my share of post-op depression. It's wild how your doctor (well, mine did anyway..) went through all this stuff to prepare me for post op life..(Don't eat ice cream..get your protein...etc..) but they forget to explain the emotional effects. This is not an easy thing for your emotional side!! I've put myself thru anti-depressants (Sucked!!! The sexual effects made me more depressed!!!) So Ive stopped those with my doctor's and my psychologist's blessing and only see my psychologist every 2 weeks now. Shrinks are your friend!!! :)
   — jammie B.

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