I still feel fat and ugly even though I lost 100lbs! Whats the matter with ME?

   — balefran (posted on July 19, 2005)

July 19, 2005
It takes a long time for your head to come close to catching up with your body. There is nothing the matter with you, you are normal. It took me a good two years before I realized that I didn't need to shop at Lane Bryant....and I was a size 6 at the time! Even at almost 4 years out I still feel huge from time to time. Give it a while, your head will come around.
   — RebeccaP

July 19, 2005
YOu are 100% NORMAL!!! It will take time for the brain to catch up with the body... I am 2 years out 172 LBS down and still look at 1X+ clothes (I wear a Medium top, size 12 pants)When I go shopping (And it isnt that often) I try to take some one with me whom will be HONEST with me ( UH dont you think that is a bit on the big side) that helps but it does get better with time.. Christina
   — Christina B.

July 19, 2005
I was hanging out clothes on the line and for some reason looked at my blue jeans that were showing the sixe 8 and I can these be mine, I still head for the *back of the store* for big clothes and I am 2 years out..Its normal...
   — Kathy S.

July 19, 2005
Sounds to me like you are doing just awesome!!!!! I had lap rny before you on January 10, 2005 and have lost 75 pounds so far. I still have a ways to go to my goal of 115 pounds, (I'm only 5 feet tall). I would be ecstatic if I had lost as much as you have. Don't be discouraged, you are doing just great and looking wonderful. (I saw the photos in your profile) Congratulations to you on your weight loss!!!!
   — white2003toyota

July 19, 2005
After checking out your profile and seeing that you are most certainly looking GREAT! :-) I can tell you what others have said: Nothing wrong... you're just normal! ;-) I remember when this friend of mine said to try her size 12 pants, and I looked at her like she was nuts! In my mind there was NO WAY I would fit in them... she was so much smaller than me! Well, big surprise when them suckers went right up and zipped with no problem! Ack! I had to tell myself that maybe I'm not so fat an ugly anymore myself... eh? ;-) Hang in there... LOVE YOURSELF and concentrate on how amazingly you have done! 100 pounds is SUPER! Way to go!!! :-) :-) :-)
   — [Deactivated Member]

July 19, 2005
Well, if you ever figure it out, please let me know. I have the same problem. I lost 150 pounds. Intellectually I realize that accomplishment, but I still feel like I am over 300 pounds. First I thought maybe it wsa because I haven't made it to my goal weight, then I thought maybe it was because I put on a couple of pounds. I don't know what it is but I still feel enormous. Even though I recognize the fact that when I buy clothes now I am buying single digit sizes, I still do not feel like I am small enough to do so. Maybe it is because I am afraid I will gain the weight back, like I have other times I've lost weight. So perhaps it is a defense mechanism that I cannot see myself as small in case I get big again. Or maybe I'm just nuts. But maybe it is just a normal process of all of this. If you think about it, I was fat for over 30 years so I guess I shouldn't expect to not feel that way overnight.
   — Donna F.

July 19, 2005
It's all in your head. I lost 145lbs and still felt the same way until I had plastic surgery to remove the extra skin on my stomach,a breast lift and lipo on my thighs. Now I feel like a million bucks. I don't look like a supermodel but I feel much better about my self. With that extra skin hanging I still felt fat. But you need to remember that they operated on your stomach not on your brain and you have to change the way you feel about yourself and look at yourself. Keep up the good work!
   — msferret6

July 20, 2005
Hi Barbara & All: While our bodies are not the only expression of our personalities, they certainly are a significant reflection of them. WLS will change our bodies, but only to the extent that we are willing to work with other trained professionals - psychotherapists, life coaches, pastoral counselors - will we create healthier personalities. "Time alone" is not going to achieve the mental & emotional healing necessary for us to feel happily at home in our healthier bodies. Proof of that can be found on every obesity-related message board as people cry out in fear, frustration, anger grief that they know they have begun to sabotage their health by eating wrong and gaining weight. How many frustrated bariatric surgeons and their nurses have said to us over and over and over that there is nothing magical about WLS; that it is only a tool that will support our personalities in learning new behaviors. This month, I resumed working with a psychotherapist to insure that I continue my progress in healing myself of allll the emotional wounds that could trigger self-injuring behavior - BEFORE I begin. Most health insurance policies cover mental health; consider it an INVESTMENT in your self, a kind of investment on top of the investment you made to the surgery. Give yourself the gift of professional help! You deserve to enjoy and be comfortable in your new, healthier body! All the best, Lauralyn Lap RNY 2/13/03 5'9.5" size 3X to 8.
   — EmbodySuccess

July 20, 2005
After reading your profile, I feel that some of your self-esteem issues are coming from your mom's lack of support. I am hurting for you today. I wonder what her issues are. Fortunately, you do have other supportive people in your life but I'm very upset over your mother's attitude. I really hope you can resolve this problem with her. Best of luck with that.
   — Cinbrew

July 21, 2005
I think you're 100% normal. I still grab up clothes that are too large and look at pants that I think there is no way I could fit into but they do. I think its similar to when someone loses a limb..They feel like its still there..still aches, still pains them..Well our fat is like that. Our brains just haven't caught up yet. It takes a long time. Look at your before pictures, look at your before measurements and look at current ones at your best..there is NO comparison. You are a new smaller person. COngrats on the big loss. I've lost 115 and stuck...still wanting to lose that last 20
   — FaithMills

July 21, 2005
   — AMANDA H.

July 22, 2005
Sorry Chick.... I must say Im over 2 yrs post-op, down 203 pouds and STILL see the same ole fat cow I saw in the mirror pre-op.
   — Donna A.

July 24, 2005
hey it will take you awhile to see the new you. it still bothers me and i just reached my 2 year mark. i lost a 160 lbs. and have had the tummy tuck and arm lift. you may need to go to a support group in your area. it will take some time. hang in there okay.
   — Barbara M.

July 27, 2005
Hi I had surgery Apirl 2002 and than had the skin removed from stomach in Jan of this year. Every time I looked in mirror all I saw was a fat person. I tried for longest to keep buying plus size clothes but finally this year looked in mirror one day and said boy I am not fat anymore. Sometimes our minds take awhile to kick in.
   — [Deactivated Member]

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