I'm haveing alot of bad pains after eating could it be a leak!

I'm 7 months post opt and have lost 129# in the last say 2 weeks after I eat it seems a few minutes later my stomache and lower abdomen starts to crawl and then the pains set in and finally I usually have diarrhea. I have never had problems with bowels movements before so this is not normal. I am VERY careful about what, how much and long it takes me to eat. I have even been more carful sence this started. Any ideas?    — kyad7 (posted on May 4, 2001)

May 4, 2001
I am only 4 months post-op but I had this happen when I ate too much fat at a meal.
   — Lisa B.

May 4, 2001
could be your gallbladder.....
   — Lisa B.

May 4, 2001
For anyone concerned about a leak check your temperature, a fever is a sign of a leak, if you have a fever call your surgeon immediately. better safe than sorry....
   — bob-haller

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