How Long Before I can go Tanning??

I am approaching the 3wk post op mark, and am wondering how long any of you waited to use commercial tanning beds, and did you have any complications? Thanks alot.    — Angela U. (posted on December 1, 2001)

December 1, 2001
I was tan before surgery and went back to tanning one week post op. I was okay.
   — paintnmynails

December 1, 2001
As a word of warning, a buddy of mine was into tanning. He is now 34 years old and has had 5 suspicious moles that were growing fast surgically removed. ANYTHING is ok in moderation, but overexposure to UV can cause cancer. Besides he looks MUCH older because of the tanning.
   — bob-haller

December 2, 2001
I was tan before my operation. I had been tanning in a tanning bed. When I asked my doctor if I could resume my tanning only a few weeks after surgery, he stressed, NO!! He made me wait 6 weeks. Since tanning beds tan us from the inside/ out, kind of like a microwave, and our insides are very delicate after this type of surgery, is is a good idea to allow your body to heal first.
   — Shelley P.

December 2, 2001
If you really like the look of a tan but cannot go tanning I suggest you check out self-tanners! I have used Clinique and Estee Lauder's self-tanners and they work wonderfully! Better department stores carry a tons of these products, you can even get special tanners for your face! I like these products because you don't destroy your skin and they look great!
   — jenn2002

December 2, 2001
I tanned 2 weeks after surgery. Just make sure you cover your scar, it is new skin and burns easily.
   — Tracy C.

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