Would like some input on this strange sensation I've been having

Hi folks. I posted the other night I thought I may have some reflux. As a transected 6 month out post op that doesn't seem right to me. I called the surgeons today and he wants to see me asap. I go tomorrow because he doesn't want me to wait two more weeks for my apt. The sensation I have is a mild "gurgling" that starts maybe two inches above my belly button and travels into my throat and produces a small burp. It's not painful but is very uncomfortable and happens quite a bit. This is the same way heartburn felt to me pre-op...however at that time there was quite a bit of pain. I was talking to a co-worker today who is naturally thin but had problems with her gallbladder and she said she had a similar sensation when she was having those problems. Has anyone here felt anything like this? I'm a little nervous about my apt tomorrow (4 hr round trip btw) I know I need to make this trip regardless...but any input would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! -Kim    — KimBo36 (posted on January 17, 2002)

January 17, 2002
I am also a transected 6 month post op and I have the same sensations.I saw my doc Tuesday and he said I needed my gallbladder removed pretty soon,so I go the 28th of this month to have it removed.He said he thinks I will feel much better with it gone and stop being so sick all the time.Hope this helps.....Good Luck. LISA
   — lisa M.

January 17, 2002
sounds like gallbladder to me. ur dr is right to insist on seeing u right away! good man! good luck.
   — sheryl titone

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