Has anyone else developed a floating spot in their vision?

When I was a kid I would get a floating dark spot in my vision every once in a great while. It was usually after being out on a bright sunny day. I've had it maybe once or twice as an adult until recently. I have been getting this floating dot daily, almost like a small shadow that bounces around in my vision (happens when I'm either wearing glasses or both of those are ruled out as the culprit). It happens a few times a day and only lasts a minute or so. Anyone else have this? Could it be a lack in a certain nutrient? Is this something I should see an MD about or an eye doc? Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!    — KimBo36 (posted on March 20, 2002)

March 20, 2002
I would go see the opthamologist if I were you. What your description reminded me of was a floater. You can go to to read more about it. Floaters are actual debris floating in the vitreous fluid. They cast a shadow on your retina which is what it sounds like you are describing. They are fairly common and often just go away, but they can be persistant as well. Good luck!
   — [Deactivated Member]

March 20, 2002
I, too, think you should go to an opthalmologist. This is not an optometrist, the person who checks your vision and prescribes your glasses or contacts. An opthalmologist is an MD who has specialized in treating the eyes. The floater may be nothing, but if it is more serious, the earlier you find out and treat it, the better off you'll probably be.
   — garw

March 20, 2002
The first poster was correct, floaters are very common. I have a yearly appointment with my opthomologist (goodness how do you spell that?!) and was concerned about the floaters as my mother has macular degeneration (ie black blind spot in her left eye) The doc said not to worry about the floaters but if there was a constant block spot that doesn't move around that is the concern. Sounds like you should go anyway to dispell your worrys.
   — Elizabeth A.

March 21, 2002
Before my surgery in Dec. 01, I had eye problems in Oct. both of my eyes all of a sudden had hundreds of floaters!! and I was having white flashes from the corner of my eyes. I was told floaters are common when we age. But not in my case. The doctor put me on steroids and eye drops. Now I only get floater or two and then they go away. I was pretty scared for awhile. So, for the sake of knowing, please go to a eye specialist and get checked out.
   — Laura G.

March 26, 2002
I was recently having the same problem. I had about 5-6 floaters that I would notice particularly when I was in a very light room (light-colored walls). I went to the eye doctor a few weeks back and he said that they are very common and that there is nothing they can do about them. Since that time, I would say that I only have one remaining that I see occasionally. I was concerned at first because I have also been diagnosed with a pigmented region on my retina, but the two are totally unrelated. So, I guess you just have to learn to ignore them and they might go away on their own! Good Luck!
   — MegenL

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