Has anyone ever had an infection in their belly button?

I woke this morning and noticed that my belly button was raw on the inside and leaking fluid.I am pre op,and thought it had something to do with being so heavy.    — Michelle W. (posted on April 28, 2002)

April 28, 2002
I have had an infected belly button. It is very painful and I was dizzy when I bent over. I don't know what caused it as I weighed about what I do now(after losing 85 lbs recently from the surgery). I had to have it drained by a doctor before it healed.
   — Judy K.

April 28, 2002
I had this often in the summertime. I just put allot of bacitracin on a q-tip and very carefully inserted the ointment into the belly button. The infection was gone in less than 2 days.
   — Joelle B.

April 30, 2002
Hi, I also had this problem, and sometimes was quite frequent. Finally got it figured out. From being heavy and with the heat held in the belly button. It was yeast. Buy some over the counter yeast meds like, lotrimin, or monistat, I bet it will clear up in a flash
   — Christy J.

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