How is someone checked for hypoglycemia?

I've been expiriencing a shakey, weak, almost drunk feeling an hour or so after eating some meals. It does not last long and it does not happen all the time but is becoming more and more frequent.Maybe 4 times this week. It is NOT dumping either (I get that too when I eat a little too much I know how that feels) I've been reading through the library and think I may be having espisodes of hypoglycemia. Although I do eat carbs and fat along with my protein so I'm not completely convinced it's low blood sugar. Can you be tested even when you aren't experiencing an episode for hypoglycemia? Does this seem like that's what it could be for those who have been diagnosed with it? Is this a serious condition? Is it something that can be controlled with diet or is it controlled with prescription? Sorry so many questions...Thanks for any input!! Kim open RNY 7/17 -111    — KimBo36 (posted on May 23, 2002)

May 23, 2002
Hi Kimberly. I'm diabetic and have to really watch my blood sugars BOTH ways low & high. So I have a glucose monitor and check by fingersticks. If you know someone really well who has a monitor you may just ask them to help you check it yourself when it happens. If not, talk to your doctor. If this has been ongoing and persistent it would be worth getting a tester so you can learn when you're high, low, and what your blood sugars are when you're feeling different. Not only are low blood sugars dangerous but other factors such as low blood pressure, potassium deficiencies, and such which also seem much the same are as dangerous too. I'd definately go see your doc.
   — Shelly S.

May 24, 2002
I've been tested before and it can be a simple blood test. Sometimes, they make you take it in the morning on an empty stomach and then again after you eat. Or they can do the diabetes test where you have to drink that really sugary liquid and they test before and after. I pretty sure they can NOT do that after WLS though. I have episodes like that as well but they contribute it to my low blood pressure (was really bad when I was pregnant!) Ask your doc.
   — emilyfink

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