Are my HIVES related to WLS???

I am 4 months post-op and down 75 pounds. Yesterday I broke out in hives for the first time in my life. They are on my arms, legs, back and stomach. Any relation to WLS? Should I see the DR? How do I get rid of them?    — Robby E. (posted on July 21, 2002)

July 21, 2002
I've had bouts of hives my whole life and I can tell you this: Hives can be brought about my numerous things - my nerves are the first thing to cause hives. In the hospital I developed hives as an allergic reaction to my antibiotic. I personally wouldn't be too worried about it. You could have eaten something that caused hives (i've had hives from food before - yuck!). I would take note of any medicines, supplements, and food you're eating for the next week or so and write it down. If it continues, you may want to see your PCP. By the way - don't itch it makes them worse - take bendaryl pills and/or benadryl creme. Good Luck!!
   — Pamela P.

July 21, 2002
At about 8 weeks post op I started itching like a fool. Every inch of my body itched 24/7 and there was absolutely no relief. I scratched until I had sores all over my body. I can only assume it was hives - I've never had them before. Everything that itched turned into red blotchy places. This lasted about a week and a half and eventually just calmed down. I spoke with a nurse and was told it was a combination of my skin drying out and the fact that the weight loss was so fast at first that my skin was "too big for my body". Yeah, I thought it was weird too but as soon as my weight loss slowed down a bit and I started practically bathing in lotions every chance I got, it quit. Good luck.
   — Vicki H.

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