Is it normal to have pain at the base of your head after taking iron?

I have been approved for Lap RNY, but now my surgeon tells me that I am anemic and she won't do surgery until it is back to a normal level. (10.9) I have been taking iron pills for about 4 weeks now, but I have recently been told to take 3 pills 3x a day. Now, is it normal to get pains in the base of your head from taking this iron? It only started since I started taking 3 a day. Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks    — Cindy P. (posted on June 15, 2003)

June 14, 2003
2 things to think about are you taking it with food sometimes iron can be hard on the stomach but ive never seen that happen with headaches. 2nd thing maybe it just to much for your body. Did you try looking up iron enriched foods and add them into your daily diet as well. I am so sorry your going thru this it hard my friend was anemic and had to post pone surgery because of the same problem. She took extra vitimin supplements also to help. You should call your doctor and tell them about the head aches.
   — sheri B.

June 15, 2003
Hmmm.....pain at the base of your head does not sound right to me. I have been very anemic for years and have been taking 325mg. of iron 3x/day and I have never had pain. It sometimes can upset my stomach especially if I take it without food. I would ask your pcp about your pain!
   — Terri G.

June 15, 2003
If you're taking ferrous sulfate, you might want to swtich to another iron. The 325mg iron salts in sulfate is about 65mg elemental iron, so you can match that number. The FS can be very hard on tummies and "the other end", so to speak. So, it could be a problem elsewhere in your body. Iron is always taken with vit C, not with caffeine or dairy, not with other vites, minerals or meds
   — vitalady

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