Has anyone, after having pre-op EKG, been told that they at sometime in life had a

heart attack or something like that and had to go see a cardiologist and have other tests done to be cleared? My surgery is scheduled, tentatively now, for Oct. 22nd. I had my pre-op tests Friday, the 10th. The EKG showed that I had miocardil infarction (sp.) in other words, I've had a heart attack at sometime in my life. Now I'm not sure if I will get my surgery. If anyone can tell me about their EKG's and any problems they have had and the outcome, please let me know. You can write me if you would rather. [email protected] Thanks in advance for any help you can give me.    — Cindy P. (posted on October 12, 2003)

October 11, 2003
Cindy, this is a bump in the road but should not keep you from having WLS. It may postpone your surgery as they figure everything out and determine exactly what your risk is, if anything, but I know other people who have had WLS who had orevious heart attacks. Keep all good thoughts and pray. I wasn't getting a cardiolite stress test until 10 days before surgery so I was concerned about it being cancelled also. Mine was required because a few weeks earlier I was complaining of having an elephant sitting on my chest. Turned out to be stress induced asthma, which I had no idea existed. I was cleared and off to surgery. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers for a quick clearance and surgery on the 22nd!
   — zoedogcbr

October 12, 2003
My husband had lap RNY in April at age 45. His surgeon required cardiac clearance because he had had a resection of a coarctation of the aorta corrected at age 17! No probelm! He saw a cardiologist, who ordered a CT angiogram. That came back fine - except for a "mass" they saw in his chest, so next was an MRI. Talk about worrying between those two tests! It turned out to be a little bitty cyst in his pulmonary vein. Then he had to have an echocardiogram to make sure his valves weren't damaged because he was so "old" when he had the coarctation corrected. (Most kids are no older than 5 when they get it repaired.) He was cleared for surgery. The point here is that the surgeons don't want to take chances. Now, if they haven't ordered any other cardiac tests, they probably don't think this is an issue - you probably didn't have a lot of damage to your heart muscle. Even if they do order other tests, it's just to make sure you will be able to tolerate the stress of surgery. I wouldn't waste a lot of time and energy worrying at this point - just have whatever tests done and hopefully things will turn out okay for you,too!
   — koogy

October 12, 2003
Hi Cindy- I seem to remember reading a number of profiles of people who'd had heart attacks prior to WLS. But please have your PCP and WL surgeon check you out thoroughly- it should be fine :o) Good Luck, Mea
   — Mea A.

October 12, 2003
I had 2 MIs (heart attacks) two and three years prior to my surgery. I had to get cardiac clearance; I had a cardiolyte stress test, the cardiologist looked over the results and made a decision whether or not my heart would be able to withstand the surgery.) I passed with flying colors. In my humble opinion, if you have had a silent MI, and have displayed no problems to date, you should get cardiac clearance with no problems at all. The surgeon is doing his best to take care of you, so relax and let it happen!<br> Good luck!<br> Linda
   — Linda S.

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