Are corsets safe for RNY post-ops?

Hi folks, I've been doing some research on corsets. I know from different sources that corset "training" WILL make your waist displacing organs and ribs....also I found out via the Calorie Restriction Society, that a tightly compressed stomach area (ie. corsetted) makes the stomach produce a chemical that promotes a feeling of fullness and saity....I'm gung-ho for it...especially reading that it can help get rid of those last few hard to loose pounds...I've also read that the displacement of organs is not harmful...I'm just wondering...since our plumbing is re-arranged anyway...if it's as safe for *us*...Any corsetted females out there with some advice? I know sometimes corsets are considered fetish...believe me this is totally utilitarian ...Private e-mails welcomed for anyone uncomfortable posting public...thanks! Kim open RNY 7/17/01 282/145/125    — KimBo36 (posted on November 23, 2003)

November 22, 2003
My surgeon gave out some how to maintain suggestions that included wearing clothes that fit tightly around the waist and hips, like a girdle. Interesting question. Have you tried LOTS of exercise? <P> If you check my profile I am near 2.5 years out and fighting regain. I am scatred to death of getting fat again.
   — bob-haller

November 22, 2003
Hi Bob, I know you're in the same boat as me. I'm also 2.5 yrs post and fighting regain...and also terrified of being fat again...I'm researching EVERY angle (obviously, corsets??) I have tried exercise, but not lots, it's not something I'm willing to do...I walk 2-3 miles 5 days a week avg and have been going (until this lazy week) to the gym and weight resistance training about 2 X a week, sometimes 3...and even with that I felt like I couldn't get anything else done ie. house cleaning, family visiting, etc(except eat...I always manage to find time to eat)
   — KimBo36

November 23, 2003
I wear a compression garmet all the time. It's called a Flexee and I buy the smallest size I can stand. You find the best quality and most effective ones at better department stores. It's an all one one garmet that sort of looks like a one piece bathing suit. At first it was sort of binding but now it's almost become a security blanket and I wear it all the time. Keeps everything nicely in place and prevents jiggles too. I've thought about a corset but don't know where I'd find one. Any ideas?
   — ronascott

November 23, 2003
Jen reports that wearing a girdle really limits her eating. Wish she would try a corset I would love to lace it up for her:) Regain is the scariest thing. i DONT want to let that happen and will do anything to prevent it
   — bob-haller

November 23, 2003
Many years ago I worked with a lady who was into this. She could eat very little when laced up. Some days she didnt wear one and had a normal appetite. She said it helped her stay slim. She had 2 sets of outfits and looked awesome when wearing one. All of us could tell in a instant if she was laced. I suggest you ask your surgeon for your own safety. At one time I looked into corsets, having my mouth wired shut and lots of other wierd ways to loose weight. Actually met a member here who tried the mouth wiring. How tough that would of been.
   — bob-haller

November 23, 2003
What a fascinating topic! I had an employee who is involved with the Renaissance Faires & such. Her particular place in that world is that she MAKES the clothes, including corsettes. Pretty ones, often worn outside a gown. She wore a dark blue one over a very modest creamy white gown for her wedding--stunning. Another employee was being married in a traditional white bridal gown and had put on just enough pounds to make the already-paid-for-dress pull. However the top end was, shall we say, "lacking". Ren Faire girl made a corsette of just white cotton (?--I don't sew-foreign language) that squeezed her HERE, and pushed her THERE, so she fit the dress perfectly. Amazing. Being from a thick wasted family, I simply could not stand the utilitarian ones. However, my apple shaped grandmother wore one every day of her life. I only mention that because it did not change her apple shape AT ALL. We all had round tummies and thin legs. The only way I broke free of the family curse was with the TT. Even so, my waist is not "tiny" for my size, only looks "normal". I'd love to hear how this works out.
   — vitalady

November 24, 2003
I wear corsets a lot.. in that 'fetish' way.. *grin* I do NOT care for waist training, I think its physically bad for people in general... I would suggest this isn't the best option for losing weight.. or changing your appetite. Corsets are beautiful to wear for a night out or whatever floats your boat.. but I wouldn't try them for this kind of thing. Its really not all that healthy to compress your organs like that -- and frankly, we have slightly more delicate stomachs than most... I sure wouldn't want to jeopardize that. Good luck. Lisa (who needs all new corsets these days).
   — Lisa C.

November 24, 2003
one more thing... corsets also compress your ribs and lungs.. and when I'm laced very tightly... I sometimes have to breath very shallowly.. .. that's not good either. I was thinking that I'm just three weeks post op for tummy tuck and I had on 2 binders most of that time.. one over the other.. and THAT felt like I had a very tight corset. I think you could try that.. it would give you the tightness but still have some elasticity which I think would be healthier and easier to live with day in and day out...
   — Lisa C.

November 24, 2003
I have never worn corsets but do wear the underwear type of girdle. It gives me a sense of security as I don't feel the jiggle at all. One of my coworkers and I were talking about it a few weeks ago and she mentioned that she had been told that girdles have a negative side in that our stomach muscles tend to weaken and get flabby on us since we are not using them. I guess when we wear normal underthings we subconsciously hold in our stomach to one degree or another and yet when we use a girdle we just let the girdle do the job. I still use a girdle but only on occasion, for everyday work I have tried to go back to normal stuff so that I can work on strengthening the muscles.
   — Cindy M.

December 1, 2003
I am 13 months post-op Revision from VBG to RNY. I have lost 190 lbs. SKIN SKIN SKIN!! (smiles) I am 5'8", a size 10/12 and still losing at this time. I started wearing corsets a few months ago. I researched them, love the Victorian era, and was rather interested in the beautiful comments about them, and also how pretty and ladylike they are. But it became MUCH MORE to me when I realized that it would help my MAJOR self image issues dramatically to wear one. I am HOOKED. You are in control of the lacing, always remember that. You don't have to shift your organs all around or squeeze your organs down and make yourself nearly throw up (though I must admit, sometimes I go REAL TIGHT...personal prefrence) but truly, they have been a tremendous blessing to me all the way around. On Thanksgiving, I purposely wore one laced tightly so that I would control my eating. Imagine wearing jeans wayyyyyyy toooooo smalllllll that you literally had to lay down on and have someone push your stomach in to zip, and could barely sit up because they were so stinkin' tight, and then wearing them to go eat at Golden Corral. One wouldn't even want to eat very much. That's similar to the feel of a corset, though because of their design and their material, they are SO MUCH BETTER. They squeeze you as tight as you want them to and I have literally watched myself be tightened wearing a corset, and my waist lose 2 inches. Some clothes do not even fit me when I am wearing my corsets. I LOVE EM (can ya tell? teee heeeee) I have read about the body shaping, etc. Your corsets will shape to your body and become fitted just for you. It also helps with posture. My surgeon told me since I've lost all this weight, FOCUS on my posture, because of the years of bad posture and weighting down of the spine. When wearing a corset, they have metal "boning" that runs down them and it forces you to sit up straight. My boyfriend has them sent to me off ebay a lot. I LOVE the longer ones because I still have not had plastic surgery and it truly does help. Not to mention the other little benefits of looking and feeling sexy (whatever floats your boat...smiles) I get SO MANY compliments when I wear my corsets about how "little" I am...if they only knew. (smile) I had to find the styles I personally liked and that were comfortable to me. I work as a court reporter and sit down all darn day, nearly, and am surprised at how GOOD these feel to wear. Geesh! Can you tell I really really like em? LOL Truly, they are my favorite thing while saving for my plastic surgeries (or if fate would allow me to win Extreme Makeover....ha!) I am about to venture into "Waist Cinchers" that are waist corsets strictly pulling in the waist. Very comforting having all this beautiful support. All right, all right...I'm done. Happy Corset Shopping!
   — Lindi R.

December 2, 2003
I e mailed Lindi asking her to update her profile pictures. To one pre op one current post op and one with her wearing her corset. Hey maybe a good photo would get Jen interested:)
   — bob-haller

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