Where do you get them?

I was just wondering how and where you get the protein supplements and which one is the best. Thanks.    — Kimberly H. (posted on January 30, 2001)

January 30, 2001
Yes, try the ones from GNC or Wal-mart, but don't get bargain-happy and buy a box of them, or boxes in my case. I still have two left... but I saved 30%. Duh. Buy one envelope/container of your favorite flavors and see if you like the way they taste. Mine tasted terrible, and you had to drink them within 10 minutes or they would harden into pudding. (Yes, I followed label directions. Yes, I used a blender. Yes, they felt like mucilage going down.) GNC, and I'm sure other places, also sell high protein/low carb pre-mixed drinks. GNC's come in 4 flavors. Try them too, one bottle at a time.
   — blank first name B.

January 30, 2001
There is a brand called Carb Solutions (sold at Kmart and Walgreens). They come in premade 9 oz bottles and taste really good, the texture of the chocolate is like chocolate milke and you can recap it to save for later if you don't finish in one sitting. Each 9 oz bottle has 20 grams of protein and 2 grams of sugar, the flavors are vanilla (heard it's nasty) and chocolate (my favorite) and cappuccino (tastes like bottled Starbucks frapuccino).
   — Stephanie D.

January 30, 2001
I use Health Source Soy protein shake, which I get from Albertson's. I mix it with 1/2 cup orange juice & 1/2 cup water, or sometimes even 1/3 cup OJ & 2/3 cup water. I add 2 or 3 scoops protein (20 or 30 g protein) & small ice cubes & shake it up. This has some sugar, but I couldn't do the ones mixed with milk or water.
   — Kathy W.

January 30, 2001
Don't forget the vita lady. May be the best.
   — Mike H.

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