Sleep apnea ???

They (Kaiser) say I need a sleep apnea test before, They (Kaiser) will but me up in front of the board Can any one tell me why???? Or if i do have it can can this stop my surgery???    — Annette M. (posted on March 27, 2001)

March 26, 2001
I would think it would help? I had sleep apena severe within 3 wks post op I no longer needed sleep aid.
   — Mike H.

March 26, 2001
Sleep apnea is actually considered a co-morbidity and if you have it, it's something that can be cured by WLS. Don't worry, this is a good thing, especially since they would need to know if you have any breathing problems so they can be more vigilant during your surgery and with your aftercare.
   — Anita N.

March 27, 2001
Sleep apnea can be a very serious condition, and sometimes fatal! I too have sleep apnea and the anesthesiologist refused to put me to sleep without me wearing my c-pap machine for at least 4 weeks before surgery.As for sleep apnea stopping your surgery NO it should help you get approved as this is considered a comor, Good Luck
   — Benita B.

March 27, 2001
I also have sleep apnea. BTC won't schedule my surgery until I've been on my C-PAP for 4-6 weeks. Thats ok with me,I want to bring me back. I'd rather be safe than sorry. My surgeon told me its easier to bring you back from the anesthesia.
   — Kelly M.

April 4, 2001
I have had the sleep apnea test and it came up that I have obstructive sleep apnea. The test is rather easy, all you do is sleep!:) If you have sleep apnea you have a better chance of getting the sugery. Because it is a condition in which you stop breathing in the night several times often, of you are heavy because of your weight. Don't worry about anything. Keep up the fight. I am and we can win! Take care.
   — Angie B.

April 13, 2001
Hi! I just had a sleep apnea test done last night as a matter of fact! The test was ok.. although they hook you up to all sorts of electrodes to monitor every aspect of your sleep. The only one I had a problem with was the "bat shaped" thing that was on my upper lip... It was a little uncomfortable. All in all it was a very easy thing to do. And in case you are wondering, they DID find that I have sleep apnea.. just made an appointment today to speak to my pulmonologist. They said that I stopped breathing 3 times and that my oxygen saturation got as low as 72%! YIKES! So, anyways, don't be afraid of the test.. easy as pie! Jessica Thorn
   — Jessica T.

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