Anyone know the name of a tasteless protein that we can add to our foods?

I am looking for a tasteless protein that can be added to to soups, mashed potatoes, yogurt, etc. I went to GNC and the clerk working was unfamiliar with what I was asking for. Any help would be appreciated...thanx!    — chance2lv (posted on June 19, 2001)

June 19, 2001
Karan, I use Designer Protein. It is about $30 for a large canister. I use the natural flavor, but it does have a bit of a taste to it. You can use it in pancake mix, or use it mixed with fruit juices/smoothies, etc... It's not too bad I guess.
   — Kim B.

June 19, 2001
My girlfriend swears by Shaklee protein powder. They have a tastless soy protein powder. You will pay for it but if you cannot taste it I think it's worth the price.
   — Shannon S.

June 19, 2001
You might want to ask Michelle Curran to recommend a protien powder that can be heated. Designer Protien turns into a very unappetizing mass of goo when cooked, so I only use it for cold foods (sugar free puddings, smoothies, etc.).
   — Allie B.

June 19, 2001
i also use designer protein powder at gnc. i mix a scoop with a slim fast in the blender and boy does it taste good. i can not taste the protein powder at all, best of all it tastes like your cheating with a milk shake. try it you will like it!!
   — [Anonymous]

June 19, 2001
I too use the Designer Protein from GNC. It tastes a lot better than the stuff offered by my surgeon. No sandy or gritty taste. Sometimes I mix it with a sugar free Instant Breakfast or add a sweetener to it. I would like to find a protein replacement that is not in any way a shake but maybe a clear drink like crystal light or koolaid type drink. Any suggestions?
   — Penny J.

June 19, 2001
The Designer natural rather thickens things, but whey proteins lose their strength if heated. They can be frozen into popsicles, but not heated. If you want to add protein here 'n there, soys can be heated without any loss. It is often easier to just find a good whey that you can shake up in 4 oz of water and get 30g down in 10 minutes. There are powders that taste like Crystal Light, as well as the shake style ones, but all will shake up in water nicely, small volume.
   — vitalady

June 20, 2001
I asked this same question several weeks ago. I couldn't handle any of the shakes or flavored drinks. I had two responses about ProCel. I ordered it and this is exaclty what you are asking about. It is tasteless and can be added to beverages or foods (hot or cold)without altering the taste. It is wonderful. I received mine two weeks ago. I called 800-638-2870 and ordered over the phone. This is Global Health Products, Inc. The cost is $22.00 for two 10oz cans (this includes shipping). I mix mine with my water and crystal lite. It makes the water cloudy, but doesn't change the taste. It's wonderful. If you have any other questions, feel free to email me. Good luck!!!!
   — jennysayer

June 24, 2001
Karen, I bought a can of The Zone protein powder. It was inexpensive, tasteless, high protein, and has only 30 calories in each scoop.
   — CaseyinLA

July 6, 2001
try the soy protein sold through most health food stores or organic health food stores. Lots of protein, tasteless, can be added to most anything, plus the soy is good for women.
   — Ann K.

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