Has anyone been diagnosed with adrenal tumors?

Through doing the tests my insurance company requires for WLS, my PCP has discovered that I may have possible adrenal tumors. He says if this proves to be the case (which he strongly believes may be true from the test results so far) he says this may be the core of my entire weight problem. He in no way ruled out WLS, but said I may want to wait a bit after the tumor removal to see how my body responds. Has anybody else had this condition and not had to have WLS? Or have they had it and still found the WLS necessary? I am concerned about the time setback.    — ScatCat (posted on February 16, 2002)

September 29, 2002
hi,I had an adrenectomy because of 4cm tumor on my right adrenal gland. I was 225 before the surgery and now 2 yrs later 250 pounds. I am looking to get the surgery so even if you have an adrenal tumor doesnt mean you will loose weight.
   — Catherine B

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