has anyone had arrythmia and still gotten the surgery? wls surgery/

   — lisa J. (posted on March 20, 2002)

March 19, 2002
I had an arrythmia pre op and it did not deter me from having the surgery. My cardiologist said most obese people do, but just don't know it. There has been no sign of it post op with my 100 lb weight loss.
   — gina P.

March 20, 2002
I had a couple abnormal cardiac issues and one was irregular heart beat. I did have to take a couple further tests including the drug induced stress test, but the results did not keep me from having surgery. Best of luck to you.
   — Joelle B.

March 20, 2002
Hi! I have an arrythmia Inappropriate Sinus Tachycardia (sp?)(for several years) I have symptoms of it everyday even though I take meds for it. I thought there's no way I will make it through surgery with all the problems I have with this, but I made it through with flying problems with it at all!!! GOOD LUCK TO YOU!!
   — Allie A.

March 20, 2002
hi i am under the care of a cardioligist and had laser ablaion to try and laser the pathway that was causing my arrythmia this was in 93 they have since discovered i have arvd on top of this a form of rare cardiomyopathy where my heart valves get filled with fiborus tissue and may require a transplant later on down the line..i inheritated it from my father unbeknown to his family...anyway.....i had a grumpy assertive but very knowledgble anethaatist who told me in no uncerain terms i was a risk higher thatn normal but as he eplained every day people have ops and most arent aware of underlying other medical conditions so he felt that he was more able to cope as he was able to keep a extra watch on my heart rate etc i was in surgery 5 instead of 3 hours but that was due to the betablockers i take solely for my arrythmia playing havoc with my bloodpressure.. i said the surgeon after the op i dont want to know anything negative that wont affect me or that i dont really need to know asi feel it just makes you dwell andhave fear if you need surgery again he gave me a letter that i have a copy of in the car and my purse if i ever need a opagain and of course its on file at the hosp but i feel the nost important part preop for me was remaining calm on the day of surgery as when we get up tight we relese adrenalin and that plays havoc with arrythmias so i said goodbye to my husband basically outside the hospital and i went in myself as i felt i needed complete focus and to be centred and if i have anyone around me anxious it tends to rub off on to my emotions.. and assaid alot of overweight people have arrythmias that arent genetic etc and after weightloss it decreases or disappears so it has to be good for you... email me mf you want to ask any more questions...
   — Rachel F.

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