Any women ever have surgery cancelled or delayed because of displaysia(sp)

I have been treated twice for displaysia (abnormal cells on the cervix)since it was found in a pap last year. I am wondering if anyone has had surgery cancelled when a surgeon has found this out. Or if any mediacal professionals out there know of any reason why I should post-pone until it is gone. I am still waiting to find out if it is gone after the second time I was treated.    — Janine S. (posted on March 24, 2002)

March 24, 2002
I had a simple office procedure to get rid of dysplasia called a Leep it's where your have a local and the Dr uses a machine to remove the dysplasia and cauterise after it. Sounds worse than it is but they usually do this to avoid dysplasia turning into precancer cells. Ask your OBGYN in about it. I don'y know if it would delay your surgery or not. I know my surgeon required a pap test and mammogram.
   — Candace F.

March 24, 2002
Janine, Over the years I've had 3 leeps removing the Dysplasia and then right before I was getting ready to have WLS my GYN told me I needed to have a Cone Biopsy. (In hospital procedure that removes tissue to see if you have cancer) I asked my GYN if it could wait until after my WLS and he said OK, but as soon as I heal from my WLS to come in to schedule my Cone. I had my WLS then had my Cone Biopsy, luckly for me it wasnt maligiant. So I doubt they will turn you down for WLS due to that. W
   — Willow A.

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