I often get leg cramps pre-op, does that make me more susceptible to blood clots?

I have been reading up in the library on blood clots (open rny scheduled for June 10th). I read that one of the symptoms of a blood clot are cramps in your calves. I get bad cramps in my calve at least once a week,does this make me more susceptible to clots? Is this something I should mention to my surgeon?    — Janine S. (posted on May 20, 2002)

May 19, 2002
Hi. I also had leg cramps after surgery. Yes, I would recommend that you mention it to your Dr. (he of course needs to be kept informed of your condition). However, in my case my surgeon said it was probably from not stretching (mine were mainly when I started walking). I have also heard that it can be from lack of water and potassium . Hope everything turns out for you!
   — Daphne S.

May 19, 2002
I suffer from fibromyalsia and before i went for surgery i was on nurontine for this . My legs and feet were cramping all the time . To make it worse I was not able to walk as much as i should due to a foot that has had alot of surgery and I can not walk on for more then 10 min . I informormed the surgion about this but he did not seem to feel it was a problem . I am now into my 7th week post ob and I did not have any problems. I am also 54 so i really did expect a problem . They did put wraps on my legs when i was laying in bed that helps prevent blood clots . So just talk to your dr and move the legs around as much as u can ok and have a happy and safe jouney -- put your faith in God
   — sallie P.

May 19, 2002
I suffer from fibromyalsia and before i went for surgery i was on nurontine for this . My legs and feet were cramping all the time . To make it worse I was not able to walk as much as i should due to a foot that has had alot of surgery and I can not walk on for more then 10 min . I informormed the surgion about this but he did not seem to feel it was a problem . I am now into my 7th week post ob and I did not have any problems. I am also 54 so i really did expect a problem . They did put wraps on my legs when i was laying in bed that helps prevent blood clots . So just talk to your dr and move the legs around as much as u can ok and have a happy and safe jouney -- put your faith in God
   — sallie P.

May 20, 2002
I suffered from leg cramps pre-op 3-4 times a week. I also suffered from severe leg spasms and jerking daily due to a leg condition I have. I had a very high bmi, well over 60 and my doctor was aware of the cramps and such and didnt seemed worried about them. I suffered no blot clots or complications afterwards. the leg cramps and spasms are still with me though at a year post -op. Just make sure your doctor knows of the problem and let him worry about it
   — C. L.

May 20, 2002
I suffered from extreme leg cramps pre-op and on my final pre-op visit, I discussed it with the surgeon because the pains were becoming almost unbearable and I was very concerned about blood clots. They sent me for ultrasounds and determined that I did not have clots, but the blood work up did indicate that my potassium levels were low. I started eating a few bananas and have not had the leg cramps since. They can also give you a potassium supplement. Good Luck.
   — Maria A. M.

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