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I am going to be 3 months post op next week from open RNY. I weighed 236 when I had surgery. I have only lost about 40 lbs. I had a 3-4 week period where I lost no weight because I couldn't eat due to an undiagnosed ulcer. Right now I feel discouraged! I keep reading about the windows of opportunity to loose weight closing and I am no where close to goal. I can get in about 48 oz. of water and I do 60 grams of protein a day from Real Meals. I eat other stuff but calories from that maybe amounts to 800 a day. Any ideas?    — Kristi T. (posted on December 30, 2002)

December 30, 2002
Kristi, you are right on track as far as weight loss and no reason at all to feel discouraged. Stop saying "only lost X number of pounds". At 236, you are considered a light weight and will not lose as fast as others with much more to lose. So, stop comparing your weight loss to others. As far as window of opportunity, your only 3 months into an 18 month window!! You will continue to lose steadily for quite a while. As time goes by you will be able to up your water intake some. Also exercise helps to move it along. And of course, the protein. Your calories are right on track, so don't get discouraged, just keep doing what you are doing and you will continue to lose. And you will hit pockets of time where you stop losing-its called plateau and its your body's way of trying to catch up to the weight loss. Relax and enjoy the ride.
   — Cindy R.

December 30, 2002
Kristi...I had my lap RNY on the 1st of October and according to my calculations I've lost around 40 lbs as well (my office scale is a little whacky, so I'm not sure if that's right or not). Maybe 45 at the VERY most. You are not "behind" schedule! Remember your schedule is YOUR schedule..and don't get on the scales everyday! Keep the water the protein (isn't REAL MEALS a great way to start the day??) and keep your spirits up!!!!!!!!!!! This shall work for you....maybe we're not losing at lightening speeds, but WE ARRRRRRRRRRE LOSING!!!!!!!!!! There are days I fight to keep my water intake up as well, but we CAN DO THIS! Good luck. Know you are NOT ALONE.
   — Karen K.

December 30, 2002
Be patient, the weight will begin to start coming off. I lost about 40 pounds the first 4-6 weeks and then stopped for a while. Your body has to get used to this.
   — dolphins94

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