Anyone lost over 200 lbs. and not need plastic surgery?

I am not close to goal weight yet with about 75 lbs. to lose, but at my support group meeting they had a plastic surgeon this week. I was so set that I was going to get a tummy tuck and breast lift when I got to goal weight. However after seeing the before and after photos from the plastic surgeon I was horrified. I knew there would be scars, but not that bad. Plus to see and hear how the surgeries were preformed was a bit much.<p> I need to lose about 210 lbs. to be at goal weight. My tummy is hanging about 2 inches with 132 lbs. of weight loss. It still has fat in it, so it doesn't look like the deflated skin in the surgeon's photos. I seem to be losing my weight preportionately, but in my tummy last. I must admit I don't think I looked as bad as some of those photos, but now I am scared of the surgeries.<p> Is there anyone out there that lost about 200 lbs. that didn't have plastic surgery? Is the skin just a little lose? Am I freaking out for nothing?    — ckreh (posted on September 13, 2003)

September 13, 2003
Hi Kristin, I see from your profile that you are probably 32 by now. I lost about 200 lbs at age 33-34 and I do not remember having tons of excess skin or fat. Granted I never got to an ideal weight. I'm 5'9 and got to 240. I could wear 14/16/18 on top and 18/20 on the bottom. I'm not sure if I had gotten to like 180 if I would have gotten by but think possibly. It comes down to what you can deal with. You won't have a wrinkless skin but you will likely look great in clothes and only the truly intimate will know. Unfortunately I regained it and had surgery in Feb 2003. I am about the same place you are, 73lbs to goal and down 169 lbs. Unfortunately being 8 years older and stretching out my skin again it's not going to turn out as well as last time. I just had that reverified this week when I realized some of the suits and nicer clothes in another bedroom should fit me. Well I can sort of get them on but breathing is not possible. They are much tighter in the stomach and gut, but the stomach is the worst. I obviously have not had the same shrinkage I did last time, which is to be expected. <p>I saw a PS this week to find out info and costs as I need to make insurance decisions for 2004 in October. The end result of the consult was that he recommends 2 procedures in order to take care of the whole center part of the body. I really wanted one procedure but he explained about the issue with blood supply etc. and that how I was built, 2 surgeries would produce the best results. The recoveries would be a lot easier too. If done in one surgery I'd probably be in the hospital for a few days based on how extensive things would be. I am comfortable now with the 2 procedures. The way we left it is that panniculectomy is not the right procedure for me. I need at a minimum an abdominalplasty and quite possibly I would go with a belt lipectomy. From the searches I have done on the internet I say very good results from the belt lipectomy. The scar does not really bother me as long as it is flat. It may take a few years but it will fade also. One needs to weigh the hanging skin against the scar and in my case there is no comparison. You being younger and having more resilient skin may have the option to avoid surgery. I would definitely not do it if you are planning on having any children. Wait till your kids are done and then go for it. Maybe you need to find a surgeon who does a better job on their scars. It literally does come down to skill. Not all sew'rs are created equal. Don't jump into anything! <p>By the way congrats on the weight loss and being so close to goal. Doesn't it feel wonderful? Keep up the hard work it is paying off! The surgeon I talked to is used to working on WLS patients and does quite a few of the ones from my surgeon.
   — zoedogcbr

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