Seeking postops that lost over 200 pds and had plastic surgery.

Did you lose around 200 or more pounds and have plastic surgery? Would you be willing to share your before and after photo's? I have to lose 230 pounds. (Yikes!, still is hard to say out loud) Anyway, if you could email me your pictures or share your ps experience I'd appreciate it. Thanks. [email protected]    — Kimberly J. (posted on September 23, 2003)

September 23, 2003
It is possible. I started at 350 lbd and lost 210 lbs. I'm down to 140. I haven't had the money for the surgery but it is possible to lose that much and It only took me 18 months.
   — Laura S.

September 23, 2003
I've lost 212 so far with 40 more to go. At the outset, the thought of needing to lose 250 pounds was amazingly overwhelming! I had plastic surgery already because I was stuck with losing and because all my weight was in my panni - he removed 35 pounds of "redundant skin and tissue". It's amazing! I'll be happy to share pictures after I scan some. There's a midway one on my profile as well as a lot of details throught the last 13 months.
   — jen41766

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