At 5 weeks post-op I am now having black and tarry stool...

I know this is gross, but I am somewhat worried since I know that black stool can be a result of bleeding in the intestinal tract. This morning I had a BM that was black and extremely runny. This is accompanied by bouts of extreme nausea and cramping to the point that I don't dare move or anything. Then a few minutes (maybe 20) after the first one, I had another that was not only black and tarry, but had what looked like the "bubbly spit" I get. Anyone had this? What should I do...Dr. not really paying attention. Oh, and I had open RNY on 8/22/03. Thanks!    — kjohnson78 (posted on September 26, 2003)

September 26, 2003
I had the same thing happen (at 5-6 days out) and I was so scared! I made an appointment to find that because they were unable to NG tube me, that I had more blood pooled in my intestines and it was just passing through. At this point in your journey, it probably isn't as simple though. Please call your surgeon, if he/she doesn't seem concerned go to your PCP or the emergency room. Black and tarry represents blood. You DO NOT have to feel pain, sick.... to be bleeding. I could be nothing to worry about, but DON'T take any chances!!
   — Dana B.

September 26, 2003
Are you taking iron? If you are, that can cause black stools. In any case: see your doctor! Make them pay attention!
   — [Deactivated Member]

September 26, 2003
The other stuff you saw was most likely mucus - not uncommon, but sometimes a sign of irritable bowel syndrome, and can go along with the runny problem. The discoloration can definitely be from iron, but usually it is dark and greenish. If dark and brownish or reddish that is more likely a GI bleed of some kind. I would call your doc, but unless you start having other symptoms, I would keep notes about what is happening and just sort of keep an eye on it. Any kind of fever or lightheadedness would be something worth making a call about for sure (in association with this symptom).
   — bethybb

September 26, 2003
If you can't get your WLS dr to pay attention, go to your PCP. It should be a simple matter to take a sample and test for blood in your stool. They do it all the time. I wouldn't wait if I were you. Fresh blood is usually not a big deal but in all the literature I have read, black tarry stools are to be reported immediately! You are your own best advocate. If you think something is wrong, keep going up the chain until you get somebody to listen to you!<p>I hope things get better for you. Please let us know when you find out what's wrong!
   — ctyst

September 27, 2003
(TELL)your Dr.(YOU)want a test to see if it,s blood.
   — charanewme

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