Almost 7 months post op....too soon for plastic surgery??

I started off as a very lightweight, but most of my weight was in my abdomen. I am now down to 132 (12 pounds till goal). My stomach is already hanging down to the middle of pubic area (YUK). I have also noticed a few sores in the fold. I really want this taken care of before summer (I live in Texas and the heat here is unbareable....I am afraid I will get heat rashes in this area if it isnt gone by then). Anyway, my hubby says it is too soon to have plastics since I still have a little fat in my abdomen area (maybe 5 pounds). What do you guys think??    — S A. (posted on December 21, 2003)

December 21, 2003
I'm a year out, and I suggest waiting a few more months. I thought I was done at 7 months out, too - but I think I'm just finally starting to stablize now.
   — jengrz

December 21, 2003
I also think 7 months is too early. If you have a tummy tuck and then continue to lose, the tuck will not be as effective, and you may not be happy long term. I say invest a little patience for the long run. Also, don't be too afraid of heat rashes; they may be your ticket to insurance covering the plastic surgery.
   — Vespa R.

December 21, 2003
I had my tummy tuck at nine months post op, because I had a hernia that was causing pain. I've lost about 20 pounds since that and it still looks the same. I didn't have the extended, so I still have the extra skin on the sides. It doesn't look bad just feels loose and very soft. I could show my stomach without any problems if it were not for the scars and all the stretch marks! I think the best thing to do is to do it when you are stabalized.
   — Lisa N M.

December 21, 2003
My surgeon told me I had to wait until at least 18 months out to stabalize my weight loss.
   — Haziefrog

December 21, 2003
Hi I consulted for my TT at 7 months and had it at 9 months. I started out a lightweight and got to 20 from goal and had the TT (11 pounds of skin removed). My PS nor my WLS saurgeon had a problem with having early as I was having rashes and it huge so heavy on my back. I also had my breast lift and slight reduction at the same time. 7 months after the TT I just had the back part done to finish the lower body lift. I am at goal and stay within 5 pounds of it. I gathered the PS timing was a very individual thing. Good Luck, Lesley
   — Lesley T.

December 21, 2003
From what I have read, you should be at your goal weight and have your weight at least stable for 3 months before having a tummy tuck. Otherwise you may not be happy with the results.
   — [Deactivated Member]

December 21, 2003
To have plastic surgery, you should be within 20 pounds of your goal. I was 10 pounds from mine when I had my tt done and was 9 months post-op. The results were great. If your that close to goal, go ahead and have it done.
   — Patty H.

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