post ops who have had beltplasty

im soon to be 17 months post i have lost 180lbs i have had a tt and in 2 wks will be having beltplasty i want to hear from others who have had beltplasty , how this has improved their bodies , what areas does it affect or improve ? how does it make your outer thighs look? your upper back ? buttocks , hips etc? im very hopeful of the outcomes of this surgery and dont want to be disappointed in the outcome with to high expectations! any info at all concerning this surgery post op is most welcome ty for your help !    — angela J. (posted on August 11, 2004)

August 11, 2004
Hi Angela. I definitely got the biggest bang for the buck from my TT, but the thighplasty and butt lift helped to. I had everything done at once (and entire lower body lift). My hips are now as wide as my hip bones... no extra hanging skin on the sides. My outer thighs were lifted and have improved, but don't expect thighs like a model. The inside is still yucky, and I could use and inner thigh lift. My butt looks pretty dang cute in jeans now as it's picked up quite a bit :) Depending on how much skin you have will determine how different you look. I don't think it helped my upper back, I still have skin folds around the bra line.
   — mom2jtx3

August 11, 2004
Angela - I, too, had the LBL all at once. I had lost just over 100 lbs. and was a year post-op when I had plastics in May, 2004. It changed my body a great deal. It has given me a super-flat tummy and mons pubis, my outer thighs look much, much better - not perfect by any means - but much better, it also helped my butt a great deal by lifting it and taking away that little "shelf" of fat that was remaining right above my butt crack (know what I mean??!!) Anyway, I love my new body. I did get the inner thigh lift at the same time and I'm thankful that I did because I would have been hating my inner thighs with this tight new body everywhere else. The LBL did help my upper back also and above my belly button too. It basically just tightened up my whole torso. It's awesome! I highly recommend it - even tho it hurt like crazy! I understand what you mean about not wanting to have expectations that are too high. I was the same way and I didn't have too many expectations going in, I just trusted my surgeon. He told me he would make me beautiful and I believed him and haven't been disappointed. My info for post LBL is have a walker - it will save your back. You can get them at second hand/thrift stores for less than $10. They are well worth the small investment - trust me on this one.
   — [Deactivated Member]

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