How soon after tummy tuck did you start exercising?

I had my tummy tuck 2-1/2 weeks ago. I was wondering when I could start exercising again. I am going to see my doctor on Thursday for another follow up and I will check with him then. I would like to start walking again, usually 45 minutes to an hour per day, and light weight lifting. I am just wondering what some you you did. I am recovering quite well and the surgeon did not have to do any muscle tightening with my surgery.    — ckreh (posted on August 30, 2004)

August 30, 2004
My PS said six weeks. He didn't even want me on the treadmill at two weeks post op. Something about not raising your heart rate. Of course he encouraged getting up and walking around to avoid blood clots, but no exercise. He said that I could go back to exercising at six weeks post op, but no lifting over ten pounds until eight weeks post op. So I think that I will just wait until eight weeks. I am use to exercise six days a week. Strength training and Cardio. I figure this is only a small amount of time. I have the rest of my life to exercise, I want to give my body the opportunity to heal properly. I had eleven pounds removed, and I am so happy with the results. I'm sure that some walking would be fine, talk to your PS, and don't push yourself. If you feel any discomfort stop. Good Luck!
   — Allison M.

August 30, 2004
Hi there I had my surgery anchor tummy tuck on the 23rd of July and he told me last week I can start. Told me not to push myself to start out slowly. Good Luck
   — sarah C.

August 30, 2004
I started walking a soon as I left the hospital. The doc told me not to overdue it, and not to let myself get too tired, but I was up to one mile in less than a week post-surgery, and to my usual two miles before two weeks out. However, I'm six and half weeks out, and not released to anything more strenuous yet (still wearing a binder 24/7, too). I see him in another week, and I'll press both the exercise and the binder then.
   — Vespa R.

August 30, 2004
Walking is always good exercise. I would hold off on the weights for at least 6 wks to heal completely.
   — ZZ S.

August 30, 2004
I am 2 weeks post-op abdominoplasty. My Dr. doesn't even want me on a treadmill yet. I am seeing him tomorrow and will ask again. Funny thing though, since surgery, my appetite seems to have decreased quite a bit, so I have lost 4-5 pounds, and have been able to maintain that. I am just worried that I will be really sore when I start out again.
   — Fixnmyself

August 30, 2004
I was told I could walk when I felt up to it, and could do leg work as early as 6 weeks, but no ab work for 3 months... and considering how I felt running in a softball game at 4 months post-op, I understand why.
   — kultgirl

September 21, 2004
belt lipectomy, muscles tightened, and brachioplasty on 9/ 11 10 days ago. I am walking out side, slow and easy about 1/2 mile in am and again in pm. No treadmill or anything like that. I don't intend to do any thing more strenuous than increasing my walking for 6 weeks.
   — **willow**

September 21, 2004
Kristin, Thanks for asking this question. I also had my TT 2 1/2 weeks ago. I have been doing some slow walking in the yard and getting back into the routine of laundry, housecleaning, etc. I expected to gain weight after surgery because of fluid, etc., but had some complications and ended up in the hospital for four days. I was so curious about my weight that at my 2 week postop check I weighed myself and I have lost 16 pounds in 2 weeks. I am officially under my goal now. Good luck to you. Email me if you want to keep in touch...I would love to compare how we are doing since we had our TT at about the same time.
   — Jeannie4

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