What is the Loop Bypass?

I'm confused by the responses to the question about the lap loop gastric bypass. Can you tell me if the surgery described at this site: is the "good" surgery or the "bad"?    — [Anonymous] (posted on August 9, 1999)

August 10, 1999
This laparoscopic technique look ok to me. Of course, all bariatric surgery, especially laparoscopic surgery, has risks of bleeding, leaks, etc. The weight loss obtained with this operation MAY be less than with an open, formal RouxEnY gastric bypass, since none of the intestine is excluded from the food and bile fluids. However the benefit is of course, a short hospital stay and a quick recovery, and small scars. Yes I think that the operation is resonable. Ask about the doctors results from him. Bruce Bodner md facs
   — Bruce B.

August 10, 1999
I've heard that a "loop" type bypass like this can allow bile to reflux back up into the stomach and esophagus. I don't know if that is dangerous or just a nuisance.
   — Lynn K.

November 10, 1999
The mini-gastric bypass surgery described on is quite safe. I'm scheduled for this surgery myself. If you want to know more about it, please go to the website. If you like to have something in your hands to read, then call (919) 479-4403 and ask Debbi to send you the patient manual. There have been over 240 people who've had this done.
   — Dee R.

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