Has anyone had a problem keeping food down after 6 weeks?

I am 6 weeks postop after RNY surgery. I am still basically on pureed food, but trying to introduce different textures, such as broccoli soup, crab cakes, fish, mashed potatoes etc. Everything is still pureed. However, I am unable to keep it down. I started this experience about a week ago and now I can't keep much of anything down except my protein drink and clear liquids. I have, of course, given up on trying anything else. Any suggestions?    — MARY J. (posted on February 16, 2000)

February 16, 2000
Mary, I am 5 weeks post-op {open RNY} I was on liquids for the first week, soft foods the second week {eggs, cheese, refried beans, yogurt, cottage, cheese ect..} at week 4 I was able to add "normal" food one thing at a time. So far, so good. My Dr. says to avoid getting sick, don't drink 1/2 hr. before or after a meal. Remember to chew,chew ,chew, and take tiny bites,and avoid sugar. I have a two oz. stomach which is only 4Tbsp of food per meal. I am told that if I eat to fast or to much I will get very sick. Hope this helps. Good Luck!....Dani
   — Dani J.

February 16, 2000
Hi Mary: How about trying just one bite of food? Don't drink anything for a half hour before or after. Just stop at one bite and see how you do. Try mashed potatos or applesauce to start out. If you can keep down one bite, the next day try 2 bites. Everyone is different, maybe you just need to take things slower than most. Good luck! Jaye Carl, open proximal RNY 7-29-99, 94 pounds gone forever!
   — Jaye C.

February 17, 2000
Sounds like the same problem I am having - I went to my Dr. he performed an endoscopy and determined that I had a stricture in the opening out of my stomach. It was a very simple procedure - done as an outpatient. During the endoscopy he stretched the opening, now food is able to get through.
   — Lynn K.

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