Has anyone with Pulmonary Hypertension had wls (DS)

? If so did it improve afterwards? Did it effect your recovery ? If so,how? did you go on a vent? go to ICU?What can I expect? anything else I should know? thanks, Kathy    — [Anonymous] (posted on October 2, 2001)

October 2, 2001
Kathy, My dad had pulmonary hypertension and had wls 1 yr and 4 months ago. He is also on oxygen and was diabetic pre-surgery. They did put him on a vent during surgery because his oxygen dropped really low and was on it for about 24 hours. He has done really well he has a hard time exercising but tries to walk as much as possible. He looks really good now. He went to the doctor a couple of weeks ago and the doctor ordered a bunch of tests. It appears the the pulmonary hypertension has reversed itself his heart blood pressure is back to normal and everything is flowing like it should, it is really shocking because it should not have just gone away. They are going to keep a close eye on him but looks like he is doing good. Just for laughs....when he told me about the diagnosis that it had gone away he said "now I have to find a new dentist" and I said "Why?" He said " because if I'm not going to die I need to get new teeth"!! email me if you have any more questions
   — Paula G.

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