
Has anyone heard of Cal-Absorb? If so, is it any good? I saw the infomercial and it sounded like it would be great. Does anyone use it currently, or at least tried it?    — [Anonymous] (posted on December 6, 2001)

December 6, 2001
I've tried it and thought it was pretty good. I bought it because for the longest time I was having trouble getting down the calcium-horse pills that I had to take twice a day. The Cal-Absorb was great because I could get my calcium much easier that way. I would mix it with 1 ounce of hot water and then after it dissolved, add five ounces of cold sugar free lemonade. That was my morning drink, and sometimes my evening drink as well. I also mixed it with hot tea, and not only did it sweeten it a little bit, but it gave it a light lemon flavor. Now that I can get my calcium pills down, I take them instead, but Cal-Absorb was great. I've given some to friends and still have one jar left. I do recommend it, cause its a nice change from the usual pills.
   — Dee P.

December 6, 2001
I have not heard of Cal-Absorb... is it something that can be purchased at your local store or does it have to be special ordered? Did you know that when taking calcium you should spread it out over the day? Since our bodies won't absorb more than 500 mg at a time and we need to be getting in between 1000 - 1500 mg each day, we need to take the calcium either twice or three times a day. Do you know if the Cal-Absorb contains Vitamin D? We need between 400 - 800 units a day as Vitamin D is what allows us to absorb the calcium. Thanks for the message and if you can answer any of my reply questions I would greatly appreciate it. Just e-mail me if you are able to...
   — Kellie Jo B.

December 6, 2001
I use it, or pills, depending on my mood. I bought mine off the internet. It has vitamin c, d, and magnesium and is calcium citrate. It comes in a couple of flavors, grape, lemon lime, something else, I've only tried the lemon lime. It's a bit gritty , I found with a package or two of splenda or nutri sweet it tastes kind of like country time diet lemonade. I have to sit with a spoon and stir and stir before every drink because it is a bit hard to get to stay mixed. one scoop is 500 mg of calcium, so this three times a day would be fine. I usually take the horse pills in the morning, and have this as an evening drink. It is expensive. Good luck
   — Becky K.

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