I need suggestions on how to avoid grazing

I am four months post op I've lost 67 pounds the last two weeks my appetite is back in a big way. I am afraid of messing this up by grazing, and snacking on things high in sugar. I need some support and suggestions how other people got through this    — Katie W. (posted on December 13, 2001)

December 13, 2001
You won't get hungry if you stay full. Drink plenty of water. When you think you've had as much as a human body can hold...drink some more. Also, limit your carbs and plan your meals around your protein. I had the same problem and my surgeon reviewed what I was eating and thinks I get hungry (...and graze) because I'm not eating enough fiber. He suggested Kashi cereal....which I haven't tried yet.
   — [Anonymous]

December 13, 2001
PROTEIN, PROTEIN, PROTEIN. When i get in enough protein the cravings leave. I was very surprised at this. I went off the carbs cold turkey and started upping the protein. My cravings left after about 2 days. Protein stays with you longer and cuts the cravings (all right, so I am repeating myself, oh , did I say protein???) hugs rita 463/185
   — vt_rita

December 13, 2001
I agree with both previous posters - protien, protien, protien and water, water, water. I often eat a hard boiled egg for breakfast around 7 a.m. I don't drink anything until 8:30 when I start drinking water. Often by 9:30 or 10:00 I have a feeling of hunger. I've learned to drink lots of water and ignore the hunger. Usually the feeling of hunger goes away within about 30 minutes. My doctor believes in eating no more than 4 times a day. I eat my 3 meals and if I'm hungry after my evening meal, I'll drink a small glass of milk or have a protien shake. When I have the protien shake, I find that I don't get hungry the following morning. My dietician suggested if I can't control the hunger by drinking water to have a high protien snack like cottage cheese. At one time I ate 1/2 an apple. The dietician said the apple was ok, but suggested having peanut butter with it to increase my protien intake. (We need the protien and it takes longer to digest). I also keep some 1 oz servings of cheese on hand just in case I get the hungries and feel like I must have something. It's been an effort for me, but developing the good eating habits is essential. Since I have learned to automatically reach for water first, I rarely have a problem getting in more than enough water during the day. Good luck.
   — [Anonymous]

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