How much food should I be able to eat at one time at 8 weeks post-op?

I worry like many others that I won't loose all my excess weight, but I feel like I can eat too much. It's no where near pre-op, but It's definately alot more then those first couple of weeks post-op. I can eat a cheesburger with one bun and a few fries or almost half of a burito.    — marilyn I. (posted on December 17, 2001)

December 17, 2001
I am just about four months. I feel like I can eat a lot as well. Everyone assures me this is normal. Some can eat more than others. Try measuring your food. Don't eat more than 4OZ at one time. You can also try the "cottage cheese test" this is what some surgeons use for determining how much food your pouch can hold. You should not be able to eat more than 1!/2 cups of cottage cheese in 5-15 minutes. Remember everyone is different.
   — Beth F.

December 17, 2001
I am also 8 weeks post DS. I can eat about 31/2 to 4 ounces at a time. 4 is too much at times and other times just right.
   — kathleen S.

December 17, 2001
Hi Marilyn, Another Marilyn here! I am 8 wks post op from my revision to a transected pouch. I had original surgery open rny a year ago. My staple line disrupted at 6 mos post op and I had to be "redone". This time with transection. I cannot tell you how much difference there is in having an intact pouch! You know when there is a problem, belive me. When I disrupted at 6 mos I was able to eat TWO Tuna Noodle Casserole Lean Cusines. I can now barely eat one. I am able to eat about 4 chicken nuggets from Wendys. I cannot eat a whole small hamburger. I eat about 3/4 of one. My liquid intake is very different too. When I disrupted, I could chug about 10 oz at a time. Now I can sip a little at a time and never drink more than 4 oz. It is a different world! Sounds like you are doing fine. I think we need to listen to our bodies and if we don't eat junk and/or drink high calorie drinks we will succeed. I love having a transected pouch and knowing that I will not ever come undone again.
   — Marilyn C.

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