Will they let you use Tampons in the hospital?

They are all saying you start your period three days post op. WIll they let you use tampons if you bring your own? Also if you are having your period when you have your surgery can you be wearing a tampon?    — [Anonymous] (posted on January 19, 2002)

January 19, 2002
Hi! I had my surgery on 1/10/02. I started my period 2 days before surgery. They won't let you wear one during surgery but you can probably wear one after. If they don't bring your own pads because the ones they have there are maternity pads and they are a foot long and very uncomfortable. Good Luck!
   — tracyr

January 19, 2002
I'd ask the nurse when they do your PAT's if you can use a tampon in the hospital. I know I asked about what happens if I have my period during surgery, and I was told emphatically that I could not wear a tampon during surgery because you can get a severe burn when they cauterize (sp) any bleeding veins. The hospital may not want you to use tampons while there in case of any sudden, emergency surgery that may have to be performed.
   — Cyndie K.

January 19, 2002
I started 2 days before my surgery, and after surgery there was no way I could have even inserted on. Heck I was at the point because of weight anyways that I could use them only pads. Best of luck to you and hope your surgery goes good. REMEMBER DREAMS DO COME TRUE FOR THOSE WHO BELIEVES JAY
   — jay B.

January 19, 2002
I got my period about three days after surgery. The only thing they had at the hospital for me were these tiny little pads. I had my mom go and get me tampons at the gift shop. I will admit it was difficult to get them in place(I had open RYN) but I finally managed.
   — karen Z.

January 19, 2002
I was told to never wear a tampon during surgery because if something happened to you, and you ended up in ICU unconscious, it wouldn't be up in there. They wouldn't want one to be 'forgotten' or 'unaware of' because then it would be left in and risk toxic shock syndrome. That is what they told me. I would think that would be something checked in that case, but I guess not. The reason given below could be true also, but I don't understand how it could happen as the tampon doesn't have any metal in it, at least I don't think so, and you need metal to conduct an electric charge that would cause the burn. Could be true though, I was just trying to figure that one out. As far as afterwards, if you can insert without straining now, you could probably do it post-op. Remember you will be sore and not want to move too much in that direction.
   — Cheri M.

January 22, 2002
I started the morning of my surgery and I was given these new cool little disposable panties in which I could place a pad. This was real progress I felt from the old days of having to wear the old belts! I do not think anyone can/should wear a tampon due to the problems noted above, but mainly after the are not going to want to be beding that much perhaps. There are some people on this website who even note problems independently doing their own hygiene in the restroom following surgery and discuss use of a wooden spoon. I required no help in this regard and the pads worked just fine. Best Wishes!
   — Molly S.

March 18, 2004
Wow, I can't even get myself in a position to put one in!! lol (Pre-op, not scheduled yet)
   — Shrinking M.

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