Effectiveness of the pill?

I've been thinking about the effectiveness of the pill, in lieu of the fact that I've had gastric bypass, and the malabsorption the surgery creates. Is the pill for me? It wasn't until recently did I even think about the malabsorption and the effectiveness of the pill. Is there any research in this area?? I'd appreciate any and all input you may have on the subject.    — [Anonymous] (posted on February 4, 2002)

February 4, 2002
I went through this same delima. I contacted my surgeon who in turn contacted the manufacturer of the birth control pills I use (Ortho Novum 7/7/7). He told me that the pills are absorbed in the in the jejunum (a part of your intestine). I still have my jejunum intact so I should not have any problems with the effectiveness of the pills. I hope this helps in your situation. Good luck.
   — Jennifer H.

February 5, 2002
As far as I understand it, absorption may not be an issue, but the estrogen that is stored in your fat is released as you lose weight, which can screw around with your hormones making you very fertile for the first year or so after WLS, despite being on the pill. Many women on this site and others have gotten pregnant on the pill after surgery, and as you are probably aware, most doctors prefer you wait around two years before getting pregnant. Hope this helps!
   — Deborah W.

March 17, 2004
Hello: My doctor put me on the Ortho Nova Ring in case I have a problem absorbing bc. I feel better with this method as absorbing the bc does not go throught stomach. :-)
   — Audry B.

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