Is Dumping the same as overfilling the pouch?

Yesterday I overate and was miserable and ended up throwing up 6 times! I was horrible, Is this the same as dumping?    — elifritz (posted on February 15, 2002)

February 14, 2002
No, this is simply just overeating. Your stomach could not tolerate the amount of food that you consumed so it had to go somewhere. It is a miserable feeling. My pouch could not tolerate any food or drink for a period of time from a stricture, so I threw up everything. I was really miserable. So really try not to do that again. I hope that you learned from this experience. And dumping is eating something that causes abdominal cramping, sweating, chills, diarrhea, or just a 'I don't feel right' feeling. The food just won't agree with you.
   — Cheri M.

February 14, 2002
Dumping is when insulin is released too quickly because you eat something sugary. It's completely different than what you experienced. You just overate. Don't do this! It will stretch your pouch and make you miserable.
   — [Anonymous]

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