Does anyone know of a 15 year old having WLS?

Hello all. My niece, who is 15 years old, weight 308 and is 5'4" tall. She received a referral from her Kaiser Physician. However, the committee stated that she was too young. My Sis-in-Law is now searching for other Surgeons. She is considering traveling to Southern Cal in order to interview Surgeons. Any information that can be provided will be greatly appreciated. Thanks! Tonya    — ellton (posted on March 15, 2002)

March 15, 2002
I have heard 15 yr olds having this surgery actually my surgeon has done a couple of teenagers. I don't know of any surgeons in California but i have heard good things about Dr Wittgrove in San Diego from my PCP.
   — Tammy N.

March 15, 2002
I dont know any teenagers personally that had the surgery but I have read on here of them having it. and i have to agree with the previous poster dr wittgrove is awesome he was my surgeon.
   — Deanna Wise

March 15, 2002
I had the surgery at 28 years old. Many on this site have told me I was smart to get it while still a young person. (I was 408 lbs. and in misery.) Looking back, 28 was the perfect age for me to "get skinny." It was early enough that my health could still be spared but not so early that I got unwanted sexual attention from men that I was unprepared to deal with. (I'm happily married and have been for 5 years.) My opinion: if your niece is mature and able to handle the social consequences of losing a massive amount of weight in a short time, I'm sure you will be able to find a surgeon who would be willing to operate. If your niece is immature, though, and unable to process this change, it may do more harm than good.
   — Terissa R.

March 16, 2002
I had my intestinal bypass in 1977, when I was 17 years old. I went into the hospital exactly one month after my graduation, and got out the day of my 18th birthday. Even though this particular surgery is no longer done, and many people had serious complications, I was one of the lucky ones that didn't. I am so glad I did it at that early age, before going to college. It was like a whole new world had opened up for me. To that end, make sure your niece will have a strong support group as well as a therapist or counselor. I say this because at that young age, the sudden attention from EVERONE, not just boys, can and will be overwhelming, and can often lead to bad choices. Been there, done that!!!! Even with the bad decisions, and the fact I am now looking to have a revision to RNY, I am so glad I did it at that young age. You repeatedly hear people say, I only wish I had done it sooner. I am convinced YOUNG adulthood is the BEST time. Hope all works out for the best.
   — csrodriguez

March 16, 2002
Another point. Did your niece bring up the idea of having surgery? I am NOT saying this is what happened, but I think it's important to know whether SHE wants this or whether she is trying to please someone else who wants her to have it. I would definitely agree that some counseling both pre and post op is a good idea. This is a life-changing surgery for anyone, but could hit a 15 year old harder because they don't have the life experiences to help them cope.
   — garw

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