I'm 3 months post-op and I have a small lump...

I found a small lump under my scar, maybe the size of a dime but it feels round. It is at the bottom and just on the right side of my scar. I don't think it's a hernia because when I cough it doesn't pop out. Anyone have this and is this a reason for concern?    — Pamela P. (posted on March 20, 2002)

March 19, 2002
I think it is probably scar tissue. I had a small knot under my scar, but it is better now. If it is a big concern to you, be sure to ask your doc about it at your next appointment. Happy losing!
   — Dianne B.

March 19, 2002
I have one too. Mine is along the incision line aprox. midway. My Dr also states that it is scar will reduce itself over time.Good luck, Sherry
   — Sherry S.

March 20, 2002
I had the lap RNY but 5 days post-op had emergency surgery for a ruptured hernia that was blocking a bowel. So now I have a 6 inch vertical gash across the belly button. That was 5 weeks ago and across almost the entire length of the scar I can feel hard bumps..I have an appt on the 25th with the surgeon and plan to ask, what the hey are these?
   — Cindy R.

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