blood clots,how long ?

hello am one week post op, and could someone please tell me how long we need to be concerened about blood clots? ty    — janice W. (posted on June 11, 2002)

June 11, 2002
I have heard that after 6-weeks we are in the clear - I wanted to tell you that this was a huge concern for me because I had excruciating feet & leg pain and wasn't able to "walk, walk, walk" as everyone kept advising. My doctor told me he's worked on patients who were bed ridden completely and they did just fine. He suggested using TED hose - I bought an extra pair at a local medical supply company - they were spendy but worth it if you can't move around as much as you'd like to. Also, stretch your body as often as possible - no need to set your alarm & other worries that other people have done, your body has to rest. Just do what you can while you are awake. My doctor sent me home with a prescription for 3 times a day Heparin (blood thinning) shots. They hurt like hell after a week or so but I was very appreciative - the worries associated with this surgery before, during and shortly after can be extensive - if it's not one thing, it's another. Good luck to you.
   — Lisa J.

June 11, 2002
hello, My answer is a little different from the previous, but i guess all surgeons are different. I am 10 days post-op and have been so concerned about blood clots that I went to the Er and had every test done including EKG, chest XRAY and lung scan and I was fine. i had my check-up yesterday with my surgeon and he said that I was pretty much in the clear with blood clots. I am young and if it was going to happen it pretty much would've already he said. So i think 1 week is ok, but that doesn't mean you should stop walking around! goodluck!
   — Lezlie Y.

June 11, 2002
I had always thought that once you are up walking and moving around that the risk is very low. But I could be wrong.
   — Danmark

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