I need suggestions on how to get rid of these blistery things. Sorry kind of gross.

Hi, For the past year or so, I have been getting these things, mostly on my stomach where my pants sit. They are usually the size of a dime, are painful, and get to a certain point and then I can break them open and usually it's a brown pus or bloody mixture. I have tried EVERYTHING to get rid of these, but b/c they sit where my pants rub, they seem to get further agrivated or I get a new one. I have read of a condition called Hyperendis Superativa (SP?) and I'm not sure if this is what it is or not. They look so awful that I am embarassed to go to the Dr.. Can anyone suggest something that will help them heal quickly or what this might be? Thanks and sorry so gross! :-)    — Maria S. (posted on June 30, 2002)

June 30, 2002
Sounds to me like you are getting boils. They are a big pimple like thing and they are very painful untill they come to a head and break. A boil is caused by a bacteria infection somewhere in your body. I get them also. You should never pop them that could cause a bad infection. The best thing to do is when you feel one coming on just keep a warm compress on it as much as possable and it should come to a head and break on it's own. I however did go to the Dr because I had one that hurt really bad and my PCP put me on a 10 day antibotic and it cleared it up. Also it is important to keep the area clean and dry as much as possable. I hope this helps. If you have any more questions about this just email me. I have had so many of these things I am an expert.
   — Christy M.

June 30, 2002
Ichthammol Ointment 20% by Goldline. It is over the counter and you get it in the pharmacy at Walmart. Cost $1.59 and it is great! I hadn't had one of those "things" in years and got one two wks ago on my inner thigh. It was painful and I know exactly what you are talking about. I went to the pharmacy @ Walmart and asked for "Boil Ease". They didn't have it so the lady recommended this and I am not kidding, overnight it was gone. It is a black sticky gel like ointment and it will leave a stain so don't wear white with it. As I said, I used to have these all the time when I was heavier but now I don't have them very often. I have tried everything too, i.e. Boil EAse, Desitin, antibiotic creams, etc. This stuff works!!!! Sounds icky....ichthammol...but it is good.
   — Marilyn C.

June 30, 2002
Hidradenitis Suppurativa This is an uncommon disorder of unknown cause in which boil-like lumps develop in the groin and some times under the arms and under the breasts. Treatment:Wash with antiseptics or acne preparations to reduce skin carriage of commensal bacteria. Take short course of antibiotics for acute abscesses (red, hot painful discharging lump). Flucloxacillin or dicloxacillin are the most suitable, except in the case of penicillin allergy. Incision and drainage of abscesses - at the very painful pointing stage. Take a prolonged course of tetracycline or metronidazole (minimum 3 months) for their anti-inflammatory action. Persistent lumps may be excied after several months of conservative treatment (i.e. waiting and/or antibiotics). Trial of the oral contraceptive pill for 12 months or more usually Diane-35 or Estelle 35, which contain moderate oestrogen and cyproterone acetate. Oral retinoids (vitamin A derivatives) for 6 to 12 months, especially isotretinoin, which is very effective for acne. Radical excisional surgery is reserved for very severe cases. *this excerpt was taken from a web site/support group. You should have no problem finding info in a search if you spell it correctly. There is no cure; however, it does happen more with obesity. There are other websites that suggest it is a staphalococcus infection from bacteria that is normal to your body. For me, Dial soap helped some.
   — Karen N.

June 30, 2002
Hi. I, too, have experienced similar "boils", bad pimples, carbuncles, whatever they are. I have had several professionally drained/ excised by dermatologists. I have had two different dermatologists prescribe Hibiclens(Hibisclens?)a liquid soap and Clindagel, a clear gel that you put on the spot as soon as you feel it. I also have ben prescribed daily tetracycline. Hope this helps!
   — Rebecca T.

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